Friday, June 19, 2009

The Reality of Reality, Is.

storyboards, enough said.

-Storyboard is a sequence of still pictures deliberately arranged to represent the events of a story which will be filmed.
-A storyboard acts as a visual script for lighting, camera and most importantly the narrative development and continuity.
-What are two problems that could be encountered if a storyboard is absent from a script? There would be a danger of misunderstanding the descriptions or film terms.
-What is the name of the main type of storyboard? Production storyboard.
-What is a Conceptual Sheet or Painting storyboard? This is only a sequence of images, much like a photo-essay.
-Who are TV storyboards produced for ? They are produces for the people involved in any type of film or t.v show. ie, the producer, or actors.
-The story which is told in a film is broken down into narrative elements which are Film conventions.
-If a film is filmed in real time it would be tedious and time-consuming so what is done to make it more interesting? The plot is broken down further into important events or situations.
-What are these called? Moments.
-These are categorised as atmospheric, narrative and critical.
-When are Establishing or Long Shot used in filming? Generally used to establish a scene's setting or atmosphere. Mid -Shot which are used to focus (on a person) from the foot to the head.
-What is the difference in using High Camera Angle compared to Low Camera Angle? In the high camera angle, the camera is higher than eye level, looking down, and a low camera angle is lower than eye level looking up.
-How do you start a storyboard? Write a synopsis of the plot of the film.
-What is the next step in creating the storyboard? Break up the plot into moments and scenes, then shots.
-Pencilling in the scenes and shots is the next step.
-What is involved in Analysing the scenes? Look for mise-en scene, montage, or camera angle shots required to enhance a scene.
-What does Flesh out the Draft mean? Use drawings, clip art or digital photos and add more detail to the shot description and sound effects panels.

Dendrophobia- Fear of Trees.

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