Wednesday, June 24, 2009

21st century breakdown

okay, lets go back in time for abit.
it all started yesterday when we gave up our lunch time to edit our film by adding in the voice over. A problem that occured was that since we started in nero, it was the wrong format so we had to convert the whole film on a program that name escapes me, but i think it starts with 'z'. We also recorded michelle's part due to the fact that we are in different classes. So her part is done.
Now forward into the present.
Today ariadne is away meaning we cannot record her part because she isn't here, makes sense doesnt it? ummm, and i shall record my part at home as it is rather loud and i really dont want the extra unwanted noise in the film.
byeeeeeeee for now.

ohh wait ! here is our storyboard.

sorry for the stindgy-ness

2 comments? shame on you.:

Ariadne Colaco said...

Sabine... I am sick at home and sorry I left you nigel in IST. By the way, that program we used to convert our file, it is called Zune.

I will find a way and try and record my part at home aswell.

fallshort__ said...

21st century breakdown ?

really ?